Autonomous solutions
Proven Platforms and System Integration Expertise
Swiftships is the industry leader in innovation and manufacturing highly specialized unmanned, minimally manned, or remotely controlled surface vessels. We believe that autonomous vessels are the future of modern naval warfare, offering critical defense capabilities, enhancing maritime infrastructure security globally, and mitigating human risk. In collaboration with industry technology leaders, we continuously develop new solutions for autonomy integration, unmanned surface vessel design, and consistently refine our construction and conversion methods.
We are pioneers in multiple disciplines in shipbuilding and systems integration. As early as 2015, we collaborated with the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL) in developing a partially manned/remote-controlled system, known as Anaconda (AN-2). The vessel was designed for brown water and near-coast missions with lethal capability, while ensuring the safety of the vessel’s crew during battle scenarios.
The Swiftships name has been central to discussions around Unmanned Autonomous Vessels (UAV) since the US Navy’s 2018 selection of the Swiftships’ Riley Claire – a 175-feet Fast Supply Vessel (FSV) – for transformation into a Large Unmanned Surface Vessel (LUSV), named “Nomad”. Nomad became the first unmanned vessel of its kind added to Unmanned Surface Vessel Division One (USVDIV-1) and has undergone thorough testing during autonomous missions.

Design and Build
Swiftships has been designing and manufacturing highly specialized military surface vessels for over 80 years. We have outpaced our competition by developing solutions for small, medium, and large Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs) that combine power, speed, stealth, mobility, ease of deployment, and mission readiness.

Platform Conversion
We offer platform conversion and system integration services for clients seeking to acquire reliable and proven militarized unmanned or minimally manned vessels. Some of our platforms have been tested for autonomous missions, including the fast supply vessel formerly known as Riley Claire (aka Nomad). We provide clients with multiple configuration options, and our engineering teams work to deliver the most suitable solution based on the individual missions.

System Integration and Technology
Swiftships specializes in comprehending the requirements and intricacies of autonomous vessel functionality and systems. We provide proven autonomous systems integration, encompassing physical, electrical, and data interfaces between payloads and the platform, as well as payload launch and recovery systems that complement USV capabilities. In addition to the platform, Swiftships offers a comprehensive suite of services including cybersecurity, engineering, product support, and payload and weapons systems integration